
Three Mutations of H1N1 Swine Flu Virus Emerge

The worst-case scenario has arrived: three mutations of the H1N1 Swine flu virus-- D225G,H274Y and H275Y--are spreading rapidly and swine flu deaths have been increasing and the D225G mutation causes the lung hemorrhaging reported earlier in the Ukraine.

The D225G mutation attacks surface cells in the lungs, which can cause the complete destruction of the lower respiratory system, and lung hemorrhaging.

Despite all the hysteria to get the world innocuated with the H1N1 vaccine, it will very likely not prevent infection with the D225G mutation.

As H1N1 mutations--H274Y/H275Y and D225G--infect patients in France and the United States there is a concern that patients will assume that their H1N1 vaccination will protect them and assume that Tamiflu will protect them, although it has been shown to be nearly useless against any flu virus.

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